Lexical mastery level and its relation with the attitude towards cyber plagiarism in the paraphrase process of texts of the student of a nursing course of a university institution in the southern area of Puerto Rico


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lexical mastery level, cyber plagiarism, paraphrase of texts

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López-Goglad, J., Rivera-Ortiz, M. E. ., & Ocasio Vega, M. (2021). Lexical mastery level and its relation with the attitude towards cyber plagiarism in the paraphrase process of texts of the student of a nursing course of a university institution in the southern area of Puerto Rico. Revista Griot, 14(1). Retrieved from https://revistas.upr.edu/index.php/griot/article/view/18236 (Original work published October 15, 2021)


The objective of this research was to determine the level of lexical domain and its relationship with the attitude towards cyber plagiarism in the process of paraphrasing texts of the students of a course of the Nursing Program of a university institution in the southern area of ​​Puerto Rico.  The identification of the sample of this study took place in 2017.  From the nursing sections available in the institution at the time of the investigation, two were chosen at random. The number of students was by availability, enrolled in a Nursing Program course (50 participants: 36 female and 14 male).  The quantitative method was used, with a non-experimental approach, since there was no manipulation of variables and the design was correlational.  The instrument designed by the main researcher was the questionnaire entitled Attitude towards Cyber ​​Plagiarism and the Level of Lexical Mastery of University Students, divided into three parts: the first part constituted the demographic information of the participant; the second consisted of nine premises on the construct of attitude towards cyber plagiarism and the third consisted of seven premises on the lexical domain of students.  The statistical method used was the analysis of frequency and percentage for the reagents attitude towards cyber plagiarism and lexical domain level, in addition to Spearman's correlation rho test, using the latest version of the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS).

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