Transitional Model to Postsecondary Studies Focused on the Development of the Student with Disabilities or Functional Diversity: Factorial and Practical Structure
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postsecondary studies, students with functional diversity, transition model

How to Cite

Frontera Benvenutti, R. L., & Rivera Colón, R. (2019). Transitional Model to Postsecondary Studies Focused on the Development of the Student with Disabilities or Functional Diversity: Factorial and Practical Structure: Student Centered Transition. Revista Griot, 12(1), 71–90. Retrieved from


The transition processes have evolved in a variety of ways in response to legislative provisions and to the increase in the number of students with functional diversity. The objectives of this theoretical and practical article are: (a) to examine various pieces of legislation that establish the precepts that govern the transition processes in Puerto Rico; (b) analyze several definitions of transition considering common elements and areas that require attention; and (c) present the factorial and practical structure of the Student Development-Centered Transition Model (MD). The differences between the Transition Services Coordination Model (MC) and the MD are discussed. The structure of curricular competences of the MD and the curricular areas that compose it are detailed with practical skills that the student with functional diversity must develop to achieve a successful and inclusive transition to the post-secondary environment. In addition, a transition plan goals‘ evaluation is proposed from a perspective of human development in which the student and his family have a leading role. The development of research using the MD is encouraged to validate its usefulness for the retention of students with functional diversity in postsecondary educational settings.

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