The development of a screening to assess sensitivity in the primary caregiver
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maternal sensitivity
primary caregiver
socioemotional development

How to Cite

Martínez-Mejías, S., & Seda-Raffucci, J. (2019). The development of a screening to assess sensitivity in the primary caregiver. Revista Griot, 12(1), 2–15. Retrieved from


The present study was intended to develop a screening to assess sensitivity in caregivers. Maternal sensitivity was defined as the mother‘s ability to perceive and interpret accurately her infant‘s signals and respond appropriately. The screening was designed from the categories of the Child and Adult Relationship Experimental Index (CARE-Index), which has been widely used and validated to assess maternal sensitivity. The analysis was carried out between judges using the Content Validity Ratio Statistical Analysis (CVR). The screening assessment proved to be adequate to identify sensitivity in the primary caregiver. Afterwards, it was used with a typical sample of 53 Puerto Rican dyads with children between 0 and 30 months, to determine the reliability of the construct. The analysis was done with SPSS Version 25 to obtain Cronbach‘s Alpha (⍺). The results reveal that the screening has reliability and there is consistency between the categories to be assessed. Limitations of the study are discussed.

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