Moral, ethical and legal foundations in counseling: Essential components for professional decision making
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professional counseling
decision making

How to Cite

Miranda-Rosario, S. (2018). Moral, ethical and legal foundations in counseling: Essential components for professional decision making. Revista Griot, 11(1), 70–86. Retrieved from


This article presents a brief historical tour through the ethical, moral and legal issues that affect decision making in professional counseling. It explains how diverse schools of thought, such as ethical essentialism, ethical relativism and utilitarianism, are present in the counseling process and how important it is that each professional recognizes and understands them. The dichotomy between the ethical and legal issues in the counseling process are illustrated through examples. Various ethical decision-making models to guide counselors in the helping process are presented. Recommendations are introduced in order to encourage professional counselors to apply elements that follow the ethical and legal stipulations that regulate their profession as a starting point when guiding the decision-making process.

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