Research in the Puerto Rican Rehabilitation Counseling Field
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Scope of Practice
knowledge domains
rehabilitation counseling

How to Cite

Báez-Lebrón, M. (2017). Research in the Puerto Rican Rehabilitation Counseling Field. Revista Griot, 10(1), 28–40. Retrieved from


The purpose of this article is present the results of a historical / documentary analysis of all the thesis performed at the Graduate School of Rehabilitation Counseling from the University of Puerto Rico (GSRECO-UPR ) from 1971 -2015. Specifically, to identify trends in research during this period. A quantitative – descriptive methodology was used to identify the quantity of thesis developed in GSRECO-UPR and classified it. The thesis were categorized by decade, methodology, type; scope of practice area and knowledge domains established by the Council on Rehabilitation Education (CORE). During forty four (44) years four hundred five (405) investigations were conducted. Most research has been quantitative and performed in groups. The areas of scope of practice that prevails: program evaluation and research; interventions to remove environmental, employment, and attitudinal barriers and; appraisal or evaluation. The general knowledge domains that prevails: Research and Program Evaluation; professional identity and ethical behavior; and Rehabilitation services, case management and related services. Implications for education, research and practice are presented considering the fusion agreement of CORE with the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP) the new accreditation agency for all the Rehabilitation Counseling Accredited Programs in United States and Puerto Rico since July 2017.

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