Adaptive leadership as a method to overcome organizational crisis: a Puerto Rican study
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adaptive leadership
crisis management

How to Cite

Hernández-Santiago, N. ., & Pérez-Rivera, M. . (2022). Adaptive leadership as a method to overcome organizational crisis: a Puerto Rican study. Fórum Empresarial, 26(2), 99–123.


In a world that is constantly changing, organizational success is not guaranteed. This study explored how organizations pertaining to the food industry in Puerto Rico adapted to change and overcame the most recent events on the island, such as hurricanes Irma and María, the chain of tremors in January 2020, and the COVID-19 pandemic. After performing several in-depth interviews, findings show that four out of the five characteristics of adaptive leadership were present in at least 50% of the participating companies, which resulted in a successful adaptation. Differences within company sizes were found, and a profile of adaptive leadership in the context of Puerto Rico was developed.
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