El cuerpo según la filosofía de Platón
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How to Cite

Canting Placa, L. O. (2022). El cuerpo según la filosofía de Platón. Diálogos, 53(110), 33–52. Retrieved from https://revistas.upr.edu/index.php/dialogos/article/view/19652


The Orphic doctrine of the body as the tomb and
prison of the soul where it expiates a guilt committed before being born into this world, is found in several platonic dialogues. We question in this article whether Plato, who has been influenced by Orphism, has conceived the body in the same way as the followers of Orpheus. We propose that Plato has so attenuated the negativity of the Orphic doctrine of the body that the pessimism of the Orphics cannot be attributed to him. In addition, we argue that the body is, according to Platonism, a means for the soul that begins the process of ascension towards the true reality (the Forms).

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