Una primera mirada a la migración de cubanos del oriente de Cuba a Puerto Rico


proyectos de vida
cubanos de Oriente
diversidad cultural


This qualitative study explores how life projects of Cubans from Eastern Cuba who have migrated to Puerto Rico in the past 20 years are manifested and transformed. We examined the particularities of this group based on the assumption that Cubans from the Eastern region may differ in various ways to those who live in other regions of that country. Findings from a focus group and semi-structured interviews suggest that reasons to migrate are mostly of economic nature as opposed to other migratory waves. Participants perceive differences between them and Cubans from other regions and their narratives illustrate how their lived experiences in the Puerto Rican context have provoked changes in their life projects, especially in the labor sphere. Cultural similarities between Puerto Rico and Cuba add particularities to the relationship they have both with their country of origin and Puerto Rico. Based on these results we are developing a broader study with another sample to explore not only transformations in their life projects but also their experiences of racism and discrimination that were brought up in the focus group.



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