Lenguaje y mito en el ejemplo de la terminología cristiana
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mythical thinking
logical discourse
singa alterity
literary gender

How to Cite

Villalón Sorzano, J. R. (2017). Lenguaje y mito en el ejemplo de la terminología cristiana. Ceiba: Revista De La Universidad De Puerto Rico En Ponce (en preparación), 6(1), 43–60. Retrieved from https://revistas.upr.edu/index.php/ceiba/article/view/5597


Mythical language is recognizably different from logical discourse. This fact is detectable also in Christian terminology, even as this form of religion is admittedly intensely permeated by "rationality" in its usual narrow sense of logical, critical thinking. The article explores two central, exclusively Christian terms (Mythical language - evangel or gospel) and finds that they do not mean what could be thought of as their obvious, logical, first sight meaning. Resurrection is spiritual or transcendental rather than physical or biological. Gospel is not primarily historical, plan truth, but symbolical construction of a world view. Thus, the only way to realize the true meaning of a religious (or artistic) message is to recognize the mythical nature of its linguistic expression.
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