In this essay the author leads us into a world quite bizzare, irrational and chaotic so characteristically of the so-called contemporary Latin American gothic novel. Coincidence -a well known literary resource- reconvenes in a specific place and mentions characters as Lord Byron, William Polidori, and Mary Shelley among others. One sole purpose binds them as Andahazi spells it: one of them will write the best horror novel. The proposed goal unexpectedly meets the three Legrand sisters, mythical creatures sprung out from the mystical Cabala. As such their sexual appetites and behaviour capriciously transgress social and sexual behaviour in response to particular needs and expediency. Finally, Andahazi is thrown into the pattern of action set in the novel. He will once be a succesful writer if only he agrees to share a particular sex intimacy with one of the Legrand's trio.
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