Dios, Gaia y Darwin: evolución cosmológica, biológica y cultural, y su efecto en la vida en la Tierra
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anthropic principle

How to Cite

López-Alemán, R. (2017). Dios, Gaia y Darwin: evolución cosmológica, biológica y cultural, y su efecto en la vida en la Tierra. Revista Umbral (in Process), (1), 54–65. Retrieved from https://revistas.upr.edu/index.php/umbral/article/view/8468


The Gaia hypothesis can be summarized in the phrase "planet Earth behaves as if it were alive". In other words, it has global chemical and physical equilibrium processes that by a mechanism of planetary feedback resist changes in temperature, acidity, oxygen concentration and other physical parameters needed for life. Of all the planets in the universe discovered so far, only Earth can do this. We analyze based on a point of view of fundamental particle physics and relativity the possible answers to two basic questions: Why do the other planets do not possess this low entropy dynamic equilibrium?, and Why do the physical laws of this universe permits the existence of "rare" and "living" planets such as ours?
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