La exportación del producto audiovisual europeo en Puerto Rico: el caso de Cuéntame cómo pasó
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European audiovisual market
cultural politics
Puerto Rico TV
Cuéntame cómo pasó

How to Cite

Rosario-Albert, L. (2017). La exportación del producto audiovisual europeo en Puerto Rico: el caso de Cuéntame cómo pasó. Revista Umbral (in Process), (2), 109–121. Retrieved from


This paper examines the context for the sale of exclusive broadcasting rights for the televised transmission in Puerto Rico of the Spanish TV series Cuéntame cómo pasó. Three perspectives inform this analysis: globalization and cultural diversity, the geo-linguistic context, and the context of acquisition. As an instance of globalization and cultural diversity, this case demonstrates the importance of European audiovisual products in Latin America. The Puerto Rican example illustrates acquisition in a geo-linguistically related area dominated by U.S. audiovisual products. We argue that the exportation of this product from Spain responds to European Union cultural policy debates. In terms of the media market, we discuss the diversification of Europe‘s most important public television corporate enterprises, underscoring the role of satellites in their exportation strategies. We also discuss the circumstances which paved the way for the acquisition of rights for exclusive televised transmission in Puerto Rico of this series by the Puerto Rican Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPRDP).
PDF (Español (España))
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