El paradigma de la sustentabilidad ecológica: modelo político-económico de los países globalizantes
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ecosystems resilience
and environmental management

How to Cite

Trinidad-Pizarro, R. (2017). El paradigma de la sustentabilidad ecológica: modelo político-económico de los países globalizantes. Revista Umbral (in Process), (5), 97–109. Retrieved from https://revistas.upr.edu/index.php/umbral/article/view/8440


Daily, ideological battles are being waged on the surrounding environment between organizations and institutions with local, national and international agencies and public corporations represented by the state and multinational corporations and transnational. The discussion generated among these groups has the effect of increasing citizen participation on the subject, to the point of placing the same within a national and even international context. All in one way or another we are partakers of environmental problems, because otherwise we will be at the mercy of the effects of environmental imbalance caused by the action of humans on ecosystems. For this reason, efforts to solve a problem in a community, region or nation must be aimed at building sustainable societies and to create spaces, ever widening, where we can keep intact the surrounding environment. The actions in this regard should be aimed at solving environmental problems through concerted action among all the warring parties.
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