Genealogía de la globalización
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How to Cite

Mayos, G. (2017). Genealogía de la globalización. Revista Umbral (in Process), (5), 51–76. Retrieved from


Globalization today is very powerful in technology and economics, less significant in culture, and with very little effect in politics and social fields. Every day is expanding faster (turboglobalization), increases its unifying capacity, and reveals to us as uncontrollable and unintelligible, thus generating fear and disorientation. Its genealogy must be established to prove that globalization is just a human product, making easier the empowerment of a wider part of humanity over this already very old phenomenon. Although imperceptible during millenniums, humankind has always been global at least in some extent and therefore, despite of its geographical differences, it still remains as a single species. With the raise of Modernity, globalization generated violent colonizations and imperialisms. Europe and afterwards the West had the leading role, which became even more evident after the Industrial Revolution. But today the world hegemony has changed, and from the globalization metamorphosis, it has become imperative to analyze contemporary phenomenas such as the "clash of civilizations", the "risk society", the reduction of cultural diversity, the "single thought", the post2008 crisis...
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