El fracaso: sinsabores sobre escritura y ciencia
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psychology practicum
psychology students

How to Cite

Feliu, J., & Gil-Juárez, A. (2017). El fracaso: sinsabores sobre escritura y ciencia. Revista Umbral (in Process), (5), 31–50. Retrieved from https://revistas.upr.edu/index.php/umbral/article/view/8437


This academic tale tells the story of a social psychology professor that one day decides to become a writer, but, not having enough will power, nor an adequate technical background, moreover not having a single personality trait helping this happen, he decides his students will write autoethnographical narratives, hoping that at least this will necessarily compel him to practice what he preaches. Along the road, he inducts another professor, making feel him less alone for a while, however she is somewhat more reliable and happens to write an autoethnographic story, moreover, as a partial happy ending for this story, she gets one of her Ph.D. students to write an autoethnographic thesis. Meanwhile, he cannot write a single line, which drives him to develop a series of arguments on writing and science to justify to what the hell he has been devoting his time that finally end in a paper he writes, with much help, for Revista Umbral.
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