Controversias de actualidad en las ciencias biológicas: virtudes y retos de un curso de educación general
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general education
socio-scientific issuesl
transgenic crops
stem cells
CIBI 4105

How to Cite

Collazo-Santos, M., Colón-Parrilla, W., & Candelas-Casanova, T. (2017). Controversias de actualidad en las ciencias biológicas: virtudes y retos de un curso de educación general. Revista Umbral (in Process), (6), 107–128. Retrieved from


After a revision of the undergraduate curriculum of the Río Piedras Campus of the University of Puerto Rico in the year 2005-06, it was established, as a requisite for the students of Natural Sciences, to take six credits of general education in their fields of study. Those courses have to be offered by the Faculty of General Studies. In order to satisfy said requirement, our Department developed a seminar denominated "Current Controversies in the Biological Sciences". The course discusses controversial topics in Biology and their scientific, technological, social, ethical, and humanistic relevance within a national and global context. It also establishes connections between the topics discussed and other disciplines of knowledge. Additionally, the course provides the space for the development of a thematic investigation regarding these debates, within an interdisciplinary frame. This course gains pertinence in face of the globalization phenomenon and the easy access to information, which calls for a revision of generally accepted paradigms. The article will discuss the virtues of the seminar, how the main objectives of a general education course are met, the challenge it provides to both the student and professor, and its impact on the integral development of the student.
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