Exploraciones sobre las conexiones de la ciencia con la ética y la política. Discusión sobre las influencias y acciones recíprocas de la ciencia con los procesos sociopolíticos en el marco general de la ética
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How to Cite

González-Ávila, M. (2017). Exploraciones sobre las conexiones de la ciencia con la ética y la política. Discusión sobre las influencias y acciones recíprocas de la ciencia con los procesos sociopolíticos en el marco general de la ética. Revista Umbral (in Process), (6), 84–106. Retrieved from https://revistas.upr.edu/index.php/umbral/article/view/8431


Science always contacts or overlaps with ethics, aesthetics and politics. In today's world they are mutually infiltrated, complemented and sometimes confronted.. They show concrete manifestations of the inextricability they have with each other. However, they are not the same. Their basic purposes and procedures are different for each one. Ethics, politics and science each have distinctive inherent elements that constitute them. In specific science activities there are underlying concepts and assumptions that are the basis of projects, whether they are research, education, publising or institutional management These assumptionsy are often left only implicit, even though their discussion would clarify the scope of science, including those aspects related to ethics and politics. Several of these assumptions are discussed in a framework that highlights the mutually supportive relationships that share science, ethics and the practice of democracy. The necessary development in Latin America is a kind of development focused on the needs and ideals of the people, as individuals and as societies, one that explicitly takes into account ethics, aspirations and material well-being in all the initiatives that pretend to reach a form of integral human development. The development we want is a legitimate, integral and sustainable development. To drive it is essential that people rely on the exercise of philosophy and science, along with other processes with which we build legitimacy.
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