Maternidad tras las rejas: Una aproximación a la realidad de las mujeres en las cárceles de Catalunya (España)
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Gender stereotypes

How to Cite

Contreras-Hernández, P. (2017). Maternidad tras las rejas: Una aproximación a la realidad de las mujeres en las cárceles de Catalunya (España). Revista Umbral (in Process), (11), 39–58. Retrieved from


This article presents the main results of an investigation carried out in the year 2013, in the autonomous community of Catalonia (Spain) about the reality of motherhood imprisoned. Semi-structured interview was carried out to women who had been imprisoned as well as those that are still. Inside the main results, one emphasizes that this situation generates a double condemnation: the penalty, for the committed crime; and social, for having breached the norms of the genre. Adding the stigma of having been in a space, which symbolizes the exclusion for those who do not adapt to social norms.
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