Una ciudad de crecimiento: México
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Mexico City
linear correlation

How to Cite

Tello, C. (2017). Una ciudad de crecimiento: México. Revista Umbral (in Process), (12), 104–128. Retrieved from https://revistas.upr.edu/index.php/umbral/article/view/8070


Cities continously grow with o without planning. This problem is of utmost importance because the cities consume rural land which could be used for other purposes such as agriculture. Under the sustainable development principle, repopulating the inner city districs is an alternative to the cities constant development. This alternative will foster a more balanced inner-city and peripheral growth. A survey administered in Mexico City evaluates the problem in the context of urban renovation policies and programs applied to the inner-city, from the perspective of an SPSS analysis. Through a series of linear correlations of satisfaction / importance with housing and services, this research confirms Mexico as a city with potentially good renovation programs and statistical indicators. By using space more efficiently and repopulating the inner city, the abandoned central areas as well as peripheral expansion which happened in Mexico mainly from 1970-2005, will eventually be reduced. This fact has been the reason for studying that time period.
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