CIBI 3016, Fundamentals of Biology: the interaction and continuity of life, was selected for online course offering. The course was developed using Moodle, the learning management system from the University of Puerto Rico at Río Piedras. The laboratories that accompany the course, in its virtual mode, were contracted through the Labster company. Sections of CIBI 3016 were programmed in the hybrid modality that served as pilots where professors and students evaluated the course. The online course is part of the academic offer of August 2023. This course offers flexibility in time to complete academic degrees considering diversity of settings such as people working, located abroad, among others.
En la Revista Umbral los artículos son evaluados por el proceso de revisión de pares doble ciego (blind peer review) y publicados con la licencia Creative Commons Atribución 4.0. La Revista está comprometida con el acceso abierto al conocimiento, haciendo disponible sus artículos en texto completo de manera pública y libre.
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