Civilizational Crisis: Reflections on its Economic-Political, Ecological and Epistemological Aspects
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civilizational crisis

How to Cite

Rosario Luna, R. (2024). Civilizational Crisis: Reflections on its Economic-Political, Ecological and Epistemological Aspects. Revista Umbral (in Process), (19), 122–171. Retrieved from


This article reflects on several dimensions of the current civilizational crisis and focuses on its economic-political and ecological aspects. Starts by defining the term civilizational crisis and later it presents some theoretical concepts of the materialist conception of history. Then examines various aspects of said crisis, emphasizing how the capitalist political economy destroys the ecosystem. It goes on to reflect on the epistemology of the economy/ecosystem relationship that generated this crisis, arguing the fundamental role of the assumptions of excision, subordination and quantification. It closes by reflecting on the political dimension, both on its crisis and on its possibilities.

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