Brecha digital y personas mayores en Paraguay
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digital divide
human rights
Latin America

How to Cite

Mendieta, M., Franco, S., & Ciciolli, H. (2023). Brecha digital y personas mayores en Paraguay. Revista Umbral (in Process), 1(18). Retrieved from


In the Republic of Paraguay, there is a digital gap between the elderly and the rest of the population, which makes the former suffer from a limitation in relation to access to information technologies, and within these; to Internet. The work consists of a documentary review article that studies, compiles, and reflects on doctrinal, scientific and legal information, putting them in perspective, in light of the Constitution of the Republic of Paraguay and international human rights law, also doing a comparative study between Paraguay and other Latin American countries. Although in Paraguay the Constitution guarantees the validity of the rights of the elderly, in reality it can be observed that access to these technologies is restricted. However, according to the principle of equality and non-discrimination, the State

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