Local identities have strongly resurfaced at the dawn of the 21st century, a situation that can be contradictory and paradoxical to those who have fully accepted the idea of a globalized world. However, the local identities that are being built, or have come out of their state of hibernation; they are signs of cultural resistance to global designs. This article aims to open the discussion of this topic, by showing local identities in a different way as they have been treated: as supports of national identity and spaces for citizenship in the framework of multicultural relations. Rather, local identities are presented as manifestations of cultural resistance that provide sufficient contributions in the construction of a possible scenario of interculturality. For this purpose, in this writing, it begins with a revisit to the concept of identity, cultural identity and its relationship with culture and collective memory. This article is also a call for social researchers to study local identities with a sense of belonging in an adverse context for the humanities.