La Inteligencia artificial desde la perspectiva de los desafíos éticos, el transhumanismo y la lucha por el totalitarismo tecnológico
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artificial intelligence
data colonialism
social engineering

How to Cite

Orengo Serra, K. (2023). La Inteligencia artificial desde la perspectiva de los desafíos éticos, el transhumanismo y la lucha por el totalitarismo tecnológico. Revista Umbral (in Process), 1(18). Retrieved from


his research presents a reflection on artificial intelligence (I.A.), its ethical challenges, and its link to transhumanism, dataism, and/or technological totalitarianism. It broaches the most pressing challenges, such as the invasion of privacy by data gathering, social engineering, and the power of a technocrat elite. I.A. technologies present challenges to individuality, rights, and reduction to a mere property with unknown owners. This tech humanism resides in a technocrat elite supported by global public policies sponsored by governments planning this new global system over decades.

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