Reflections on Educating for Human Rights and Peace: Principles, Tensions, and Challenges in Current Times
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human rights

How to Cite

Yudkin Suliveres, A. (2022). Reflections on Educating for Human Rights and Peace: Principles, Tensions, and Challenges in Current Times. Revista Umbral (in Process), 1(17), 28 págs. Retrieved from


This paper elaborates on four interrelated principles of education for human rights and
peace, that are crucial at the present time: living human rights and peace in educational practice;
generating reflection, comprehension, and thoughtful action for social transformation; promoting
critical thinking to unveil reality; fostering comprehension of local-global topics and problematics.
These principles are reflected upon based on the experience of a university course, mainly
through the ideas shared by students in their reflexive diaries. At the same time, they are
sustained on the work of other human rights and peace educators who adopt critical and
transformative perspectives.

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