Dissidence in the Criterion of Veridiction of the Author's Literary Performance, Corroborated in The Time of the Hero
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Literary theory

How to Cite

Delgado Del Águila, J. M. (2022). Dissidence in the Criterion of Veridiction of the Author’s Literary Performance, Corroborated in The Time of the Hero . Revista Umbral (in Process), 1(16), 26 págs. Retrieved from https://revistas.upr.edu/index.php/umbral/article/view/20451


In this paper, I will submit to the criterion of verification the correspondence that should
predominate between the performative statements of Literature that Mario Vargas Llosa develops
in his theoretical books with his novel The Time of the Hero (1963). This extrapolated
epistemology tries to find which elements are true or false. In the terms of Michel Foucault, these
results are called parrhesia (when similarity prevails) and dissent (when there is an incongruity or
incompleteness). The objective of this research is to verify the inefficiency when equating the
conceptual heading of the Peruvian writer with his fictional creation discourse.

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