Donativos políticos, elecciones e instituciones democráticas en Puerto Rico
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democratic institutions
political financing

How to Cite

Ríos González, I. (2022). Donativos políticos, elecciones e instituciones democráticas en Puerto Rico. Revista Umbral (in Process), 1(16), 27 págs. Retrieved from


In the article we analyze the private financing in the elections of 2020 in Puerto Rico.
Particular attention we pay to political donations made to candidates elected to the Senate. The
objective is to identify patterns in financing as well as forms of links between economic power
groups and political power groups. Three patterns were identified: Self-funding, funding from
family and friends and funding from economic interests. The latter group seems to have
developed as a financing strategy to make donations to key figures with the possibility of
occupying leadership positions in the Senate and, therefore, determine the use of the budget,
award the presidencies of committees, regulate the parliamentary process and control the
consideration of the projects submitted.

PDF (Español (España))
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