
Call for papers- No. 21 Revista Umbral

May 16, 2019

Dear scholars:

Reception of articles for Umbral magazine is open all year round.

We accept articles related to multi- and interdisciplinary and free topics. Submissions will be peer reviewed. We are also looking for people interested in writing book reviews. They do not go through peer review, but rather through editorial approval. The requirements would be the following: length of 3-5 pages and that the book reviewed is not more than 5 years old.

Revista Umbral is in Latindex, Redib, Miar, Erih Plus, Conuco, IBSS, and will soon be registered with EBSCO publishing.


  1. The article corresponds to the spirit of Umbral Magazine, addressing its topic or object from an inter or transdisciplinary perspective, which promotes dialogue between disciplines.
  2. Specialized works, that is, those that do not communicate or are incomprehensible outside their "area of knowledge" are not accepted.
  3. The work is original in its theme and/or approach.
  4. The article is unpublished and has not been submitted to another journal. The article contains title, summary and keywords in Spanish, summary and keywords in English.
  5. The citation of bibliographic references rigorously follows the APA format, as well as its listing at the end of the article.
  6. Avoid using footnotes.
  7. The manuscript does not exceed 30 pages, spaced and a half in font size.

Articles and reviews are published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Manuscripts must be sent in an editable file (.odt, .doc, .rtf, .txt) to the editor's email (

Read more about Call for papers- No. 21 Revista Umbral