The first part of this essay consists of a critical overview of semiotics of theater, considering their main theorists. We intend to demonstrate that semiotics of theatre, as it happens with any social science, has evolved by refining its analytical tools and adapting to contextual challenges. It will be seen, that despite the claims of some critics- semiotics of theatre, with the support of other sciences- still stands as a useful theoretical model to study the dramatic and performative texts. In the second part, we focus on ;Oresteia -0 Canto do Bode ; by Galpao do Folias de Sao Paulo to prove the feasibility of semiotics of theatre as a theoretical model. We pay special attention to the way in which the Folias rereads Aeschylus‘ play to relate it with the Brasilean and Latin American social, political and cultural history. We also show the way in which the Folias uses metatheatrical devices to show in Oresteia traces of other plays performed by the group during its 10 years.This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
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