Understanding the impact that media can have on people and, particularly, marginalized groups is key to bringing about change and a more accepting society. Thus, I have analyzed the portrayal of schizophrenia in Donnie Darko (2001), emphasizing the impact stereotypical portrayals of schizophrenia can have on individuals. I elaborate briefly on the history of schizophrenia as a diagnostic category and its current diagnostic criteria in the DSM-5-TR. The employment of techniques like a qualitative-based methodology, content analysis and a social constructionist framework allowed me to examine and understand how schizophrenia is portrayed, and how this can impact people. Finally, I have argued for the replacement of stereotypical portrayals of schizophrenia through accurate representations based on the deconstruction of social categories, and the real experiences of people with schizophrenia, wherein they can have a hand in defining their own portrayals in media.
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