Perceived perfectionism and moral values in Venezuelan bank employees: Are perfectionists honest?
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Moral values
Criminal tendency
Bank workers

How to Cite

Barroeta Contreras, G. Ángeles, Aguilar Durán, L. A., & Trías Sambrano, L. I. (2022). Perceived perfectionism and moral values in Venezuelan bank employees: Are perfectionists honest?. Psicologías, 5, 122–150. Retrieved from


The research aimed to analyze the relationship between perfectionism, moral values and integrity in Venezuelan employees of the banking sector. A quantitative study with descriptive-correlational scope and cross-sectional design was carried out. One hundred three workers from banks of Caracas responded three instruments of measurement. General perfectionism showed a correlation with condemnation of wrong behaviors, as well as with a low propensity to commit fraud. This crime was less likely in those who placed great importance on orderliness and neatness. Parental expectations showed correlations with lower probabilities of committing dishonest acts and with low tendency to steal things. Therefore, perfectionism is a personality trait involved in the individual differences observed with respect to the integrity value.

PDF (Español (España))


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