The Struggle for Puerto Rico or how not to Develop an Island
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How to Cite

Cardona, V., Morales, T., & Caldari, L. (2021). The Struggle for Puerto Rico or how not to Develop an Island: Reprinted from "-Environment" Magazine Vol. 17 No.4- June 1975. Translated by Dr. Marco A. Tio, with permission of the authors. PLERUS (in Process), 7(1 y 2), 1–18. Retrieved from


Puerto Rico is often cited as an example of what a poor, backward country can achieve when the proper incentives attract foreign capital and a full relationship with an industrial metropolis is established. However, neither the energy requirements, which is a matter of the utmost and paramount importance today, nor the environmental consequences of economic  achievements of this island have not been the rigorous analysis that these factors merit. Puerto Rico's experience in these respects can be of incalculable value to small countries and underdeveloped countries in light of the current world energy situation

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