Vol. I, Num. 1, March, 1967.
* Editorial: Message from the Director * Celso Furtado, Social Reconstruction in Societies social reconstruction in societies dominated by traditional group.Alfred P. Thome, Notes on some aspects of economic planning, of economic planning and research *Myer R. Wolfe, The Scope of Urban Design *Charles A. Frankenhoff, The Economic Role of Housing in a Developing Economy". *Tila Hormazabal Marre, Algunos conceptos basicos sobre planificaci6n gubemamental *Osvaldo Marre, Algunos conceptos basicos sobre planifica6n Oswaldo Ruiz Villarrubia, La estetica y la ley (Aesthetics and the law) *Eduardo Montoulieu, La estética y la ley (Aesthetics and the law) *Eduardo Montoulieu, Cronologia analitica del establecimiento del Programa Graduado de Planificaci6n of the Graduate Planning Program at the University of Puerto Rico *Louis Wirth, The Aesthetics and the Law Louis Wirth, The Planner's Creed .