The Effect of Soil Acidity Factors on Crop Yields IX. Taniers

How to Cite

Vicente-Chandler, J., Abruña, F., Badillo Feliciano, J., & Rodríguez García, J. A. (1983). The Effect of Soil Acidity Factors on Crop Yields IX. Taniers. The Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico, 67(4), 446–452.


Yield of taniers on a Corozal clay (Ultisol) decreased with increasing soil acidity from 16.3 t/ha at pH 5.0 with 12% saturation of the CEC with Al, to 4.2 t/ha at pH 4.2 and 70% Al saturation. Similar results were obtained on Corozal clay subsoil. Much lower yields were produced on Coto clay (Oxisol). These yields were lowered only at the highest acidity level, pH 4.5, and 34% Al saturation of the soil CEC. Foliar composition of the taniers was not affected by soil acidity, except that the Ca content was appreciably less at the highest level of acidity on the Corozal soil and subsoil. For all soils combined, pH and percent Al saturation of the soil CEC correlated very closely with yields. Overall yields were close to maximum when the soil had a pH of 5.2 and no exchangeable Al.
