Growth, Yield, Nutrient Content and Fruit Quality of Carica papaya L. Under Controlled Conditions. I. Nitrogen Effects

How to Cite

Pérez, A., & Childers, N. F. (1982). Growth, Yield, Nutrient Content and Fruit Quality of Carica papaya L. Under Controlled Conditions. I. Nitrogen Effects. The Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico, 66(2), 71–79.


A sand culture greenhouse experiment was conducted with Carica papaya L., variety Blue Solo, to determine the effects of five (14, 28, 56, 112 (control) and 224 p/m) levels of nitrogen in the nutrient solution on the growth, fruiting and nutrient content. Nitrogen deficiency symptoms are described. Mineral content of blades, petioles and fruit are presented and discussed. The papaya has a high N requirement, (probably higher than the highest level of 224 p/m we supplied). Plant height, nodes in the stem, trunk diameter, leaf fresh and dry weights, total yield (fruits harvested) and fruit quality increased as the N supply was increased. Critical N level in the blade and petiole appears to be about 4 and 2%, respectively. Quality components of the fruits are discussed, based on a panel evaluation. Fruits from the lower N supply levels were of poorer flavor.
