Preference for Color, Sweetness, and Mouthfeel of Sweet Potato in Puerto Rico

How to Cite

Martin, F. W., & Rodríguez-Sosa, E. J. (1985). Preference for Color, Sweetness, and Mouthfeel of Sweet Potato in Puerto Rico. The Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico, 69(1), 99–106.


The color, softness, mouthfeel, and sweetness of six different sweet potato cultivars were rated by a trained panel. These sweet potatoes were then served to 52 untrained panelists who rated them for flavor and appearance. Panelists also expressed attitudes about their preference regarding color, sweetness, flavor, and mouthfeel. Preference ranking for flavor was closely related to sweetness, and for appearance to orange color. There were differences in preference according to cultural affiliation and sex. Attitudes of panelists were not related to their choice of sweet potatoes except in the case of color. There appear to be two poles of preference, one for the orange, sweet, moist, and the other for the light, less sweet, dry type of sweet potato.


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