Reclamation of a Saline-Sodic Soil by Use of Molasses and Distillery Slops

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Pérez Escolar, R. (1966). Reclamation of a Saline-Sodic Soil by Use of Molasses and Distillery Slops. The Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico, 50(3), 209–217.


Data are presented on a laboratory study conducted to determine the effects of the use of blackstrap molasses and rum distillery slops on the reclamation of a highly saline-alkali heavy clay soil of southwestern Puerto Rico. The study revealed that even the lowest levels of distillery slops and diluted molasses, around 2.3 acre-inch, were sufficient to lower the conductivity of the soil-saturation extract from 67 mmhos/cm. to less than 3, and the exchangeable sodium percentage from 43 to less than 1 percent. It is believed that most of the Ca and Mg found in leachates of columns treated with the most slops or molasses may be attributed to the production of organic acids during the decomposition of slops and molasses. These organic acids rendered soluble the soil-free CaCO3 and MgCO3, widening the Ca and Mg:Na ratio to substitute the sodium by a mass action effect. Subjecting the soil to a dry period in between, the 6 and 7 acre-feet of water did not alter the movement of water and resulted in a complete soil reclamation.


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