Insect Visitors of Lecythis elliptica H.B.K.

How to Cite

Jackson, G. C., & Bauzá Salas, J. (2022). Insect Visitors of Lecythis elliptica H.B.K. The Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico, 49(1), 133–141.


It was found during investigations conducted with the tropical nut tree, Lecythis elliptica H.B.K., that the flowers of this plant are allogamous and not autogamous. The plant is entomophilous and not anemophilous. A survey of the insect fauna of this plant indicates that no less than 43 species representing 36 families of 10 orders frequent it during the blooming season. Observations also indicate that the primary pollinating insects are the female carpenter bee, Xylocopa brasilianorum (L.), and also females of the white grub-parasite, Campsomeris trifasciata (F.).


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