Influence of Mineral Deficiencies on the Growth and Yield of Sugarcane

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Samuels, G., & Cibes-Viadé, H. (1963). Influence of Mineral Deficiencies on the Growth and Yield of Sugarcane. The Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico, 47(2), 61–75.


Four sugarcane varieties, B. 37161, H. 328560, M. 336, and P.R. 980, grown in sand cultures in the greenhouse were allowed to develop deficiency symptoms caused by lack of major and minor elements. The elements studied were nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese, sulfur, and boron. The most important results were as follows: 1. There were differential responses to the various deficiency treatments by the individual varieties as to total green weight and millable cane stalks. 2. The absence of nitrogen and phosphorus had the greatest influence in retarding growth and yields in plants at 6 1/2 months of age for the average of all varieties. 3. The complete treatment produced the highest yields of total green weight and also of millable cane for the average of the four varieties. The minus-nitrogen treatment failed to produce millable cane for B. 37161 and M. 336. 4. The minus-potassium and minus-calcium treatments were about tied for third place in yields of total green weight and millable cane. 5. The absences of magnesium, sulfur, iron, manganese, and boron were about equal in effects on yields for the mean of the four varieties. 6. The ranking in descending order of Brix was H. 328560 > M. 336 > P.R. 980 > B. 37161, and for polarization M. 336 > H. 328560 > P.R. 980 > B. 37161. 7. The highest Brix and polarization values were obtained from millable cane grown under the minus-nitrogen treatment and the lowest under the minus-potassium treatment. 8. The growth response in height followed rather closely the production of green millable stalks, insofar as the influence of the various deficiencies was concerned. 9. The most tillers per sugarcane stool were produced under the complete treatment, with the exception of P.R. 980. Poorest tillering was associated with the minus-phosphorus treatment. 10. The top-to-stalk ratio under the complete treatment was lowest for H. 328560, with P.R. 980 a close second, B. 37161 a poor third, and M. 336 last. 11. The weight of sugarcane roots was in general highest for the complete treatment and lowest in the minus-nitrogen, minus-phosphorus, and minusiron treatments. The weight of roots for the complete treatment of the 4 varieties descended thus: M. 336 > B. 37161 > P.R. 980 > H. 328560.


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