Functional relationships between moisture at several equilibrium points and the clay content of tropical soils

How to Cite

Lugo López, M. A. (1951). Functional relationships between moisture at several equilibrium points and the clay content of tropical soils. The Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico, 35(2), 66–70.


The tropical soils of the humid region studied in this investigation have been grouped into two broad categories: (a) Lateritic and (b) nonlateritic. Regression equations are presented which may serve to predict any of the moisture constants considered, namely, maximum saturation, field capacity, moisture equivalent, permanent wilting percentage, and hygroscopic coefficient, on the exclusive basis of the clay content of the soils. Very high correlations were obtained in all cases for lateritic soils. Very high correlations were also found for the nonlateritic soils of the humid Tropics, excepting the values for maximum saturation.


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