Separation and Characterization of the Active Soil-Aggregating Agent Present in Distillery Slops

How to Cite

Pérez Escolar, R. (1967). Separation and Characterization of the Active Soil-Aggregating Agent Present in Distillery Slops. The Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico, 51(4), 304–308.


Information resulting from laboratory studies is presented to show the nature of the soil-aggregating and stabilizing agents present in rum distillery slops. It was found that the main agents were constituents of the 80-percent alcohol-insoluble fraction of the rum distillery slops as shown by determining its soil-aggregate-stability activity. Fractionation of the active material indicated that 6 percent of it was a mannose-bearing polysaccharide, 7 percent protein, and the rest, 87 percent, or main constituent, was a caramel. This one results from the sucrose recovery process at the sugar factory and is not attacked by yeast in the molasses fermentation process.
