Effects of Temperatures on Symptom Expression by Sugarcane Infected with Different Strains of Mosaic Virus

How to Cite

Liu, L.-J. (1970). Effects of Temperatures on Symptom Expression by Sugarcane Infected with Different Strains of Mosaic Virus. The Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico, 54(1), 128–132. https://doi.org/10.46429/jaupr.v54i1.11118


A study was made to determine the effect of various temperatures (65°, 75°, 85°, and 95° F.) on symptom expression by sugarcane plants affected by mosaic virus strains A and B in climate chambers. Symptoms incited by both strains A and B on sugarcane differential host C.P. 31-294 were best observed at 85° F. Necrosis produced by strain A at 65°, 75°, and 85° F. did not occur at 95° F. Growth retardation resulting from infection by strain B at 65° and 75° F. was not observed at 95° F.
