Napier Grass Harvest Readiness

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Spain, G. L., & Vélez Santiago, J. (1973). Napier Grass Harvest Readiness. The Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico, 57(4), 300–306.


A Napier grass harvest-readiness research project was conducted over a period of 8ll days at the Lajas Substation, on San Antón silty clay with supplemental irrigation. Harvest frequencies were applied according to internode development of randomly sampled tillers throughout the duration of the experiment. Number of internodes longer than 2.5 cm. correlated most closely with total fresh weight, total dry weight, total crude protein, live-leaf dry weight and live-leaf percent crude protein, showing correlation coefficients of 0.91, 0.92, 0.80, 0.91, and —0.68, respectively. Culm length data correlated similarly well. All correlations calculated were significant. Crude protein and dry matter production per tiller were plotted against number of elongated internodes for each above ground plant component. Also, percent of each plant component of sampled tillers was plotted against internode counts. These curves are useful in estimating desired harvest readiness stages for this species. The number of elongated internodes or total culm length are suggested as useful practical guides to determine harvest readiness of Napier grass. Harvesting at an intermediate stage when 8 to 10 internodes have begun elongation appears most satisfactory for obtaining high yields of good quality forage.
