Effect of Two Triazine Compounds on the Establishment and Forage Yield of Pangolagrass

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Spain, G. L., & Sotomayor-Ríos, A. (1976). Effect of Two Triazine Compounds on the Establishment and Forage Yield of Pangolagrass. The Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico, 60(2), 201–206. https://doi.org/10.46429/jaupr.v60i2.10571


Atrazine and Simazine were each applied at 1.8, 3.6 and 7.2 kg/ha active ingredient to Pangolagrass 1 day after planting on Corozal clay. All levels of each herbicide gave adequate weed control, but Simazine at the 3.6- and 7.2-kg rates and Atrazine at the highest rate resulted in prolonged phytotoxicity. All herbicides gave increased percent Pangolagrass in the total herbage harvested at 170 days, while only Simazine at 7.2 kg/ha significantly suppressed total herbage yields. Improved rate of establishment of the planted crop is considered to be more important than possible increases in yield resulting from herbicide application.



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