Effect of Different Combinations of Tuna Fishmeal, Meat Meal with Bone, and Soybean Meal Upon the Laying Intensity, Egg Quality, and Feed Utilization by Hens

How to Cite

Rojas-Daporta, M., Soldevila, M., & Gonzáles, L. L. (1976). Effect of Different Combinations of Tuna Fishmeal, Meat Meal with Bone, and Soybean Meal Upon the Laying Intensity, Egg Quality, and Feed Utilization by Hens. The Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico, 60(4), 626–630. https://doi.org/10.46429/jaupr.v60i4.10509


Three nutritional studies with laying hens and two organoleptic evaluations of the eggs produced are reported. Different combinations of soybean, tuna and meat meals were evaluated using laying intensity and utilization of feed as criteria for comparison. In all studies the groups receiving a combination of equal parts of tuna and soybean meals laid eggs as well or better than the groups fed otherwise. A decrease in overall performance resulted as the level of meat meal was increased. Organoleptic evaluations showed no differences in the odor of freshly broken uncooked eggs or the flavor of hard-boiled eggs representative of the diets tested. The results indicate that in practical-type laying diets with levels as high as 18% tuna meal, the only factor that may limit its use is its cost when compared to that of soybean meal or of any other suita ble substitute.
