The Preparation of Green Banana Flour

How to Cite

Rodríguez-Sosa, E. J., González, M. A., de Caloni, I. B., & Parsi-Ros, O. (1977). The Preparation of Green Banana Flour. The Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico, 61(4), 470–478.


A green banana flour of good characteristics was prepared using a cabinet dryer. The green bananas were dehyd rated as small cubes. For some tests the dry bulb temperature was set at 160° F (71.1° C) for the first hour and changed to 200° F (93.3° C) for the next 5 h, and for other tests set at 200° F the whole period. The average wet bulb depression was 42° F (23.3° C). The metal-mesh trays were filled at different levels. At lower filling levels the dehydration rate was faster. Within the same tray filling level, initial moisture content of green banana cubes was more determinant of the dehydrating rate than were the levels of temperature used. Cupcakes of high acceptability were prepared by mixing equal amounts of green banana flour and wheat flour.
