Pigeon pea seeds were adjusted to 9, 13, and 17% moisture, then placed in cloth bags or air tight plastic bags. Seeds at each of the above mentioned moisture levels and container types were stored both under ambient conditions at Mayagüez and in cold storage (13° C) at Lajas. After 12-month storage, all treatments in cold storage ranged in percentage seed germination in vitro, emergence in sand, and emergence in the field from 90-92%, 88-92% and 70-72%, respectively. All treatments stored in cloth bags under ambient conditions for 12 months had a percentage seed germination in vitro, emergence in sand, and emergence in the field ranging from 36-37%, 32-24% and 16-17%, respectively. There were no significant differences in percentage germination in vitro or in sand or field emergence between seeds stored under ambient conditions at 9 and 13% moisture in plastic bags and seeds stored in cold storage. All seeds stored at 17% moisture in plastic bags were dead after 10 months storage under ambient conditions.