Emotional regulation and dispositional mindfulness in a sample of men who practice alternative and complementary therapies
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emotion regulation
dispositional mindfulness
alternative and complementary therapies

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Cepeda-Hernandez, S. L. (2016). Emotional regulation and dispositional mindfulness in a sample of men who practice alternative and complementary therapies. Revista Griot, 9(1), 3–18. Retrieved from https://revistas.upr.edu/index.php/griot/article/view/2436


Hegemonic masculinity orders a set of values and rules traditionally accepted by society and culture that governs the life of men and their emotional regulation process. In Puerto Rico research on the subject have pointed out that these rules create difficulties in emotional aspects of men.  Several studies has suggested that the development of dispositional mindfulness traits through the practices of alternative and complementary therapies and integrative health is possible. These traits are associated with positive effects on emotional regulation processes. The purpose of this grounded theory qualitative design study was to discover and theorize about the processes of emotional regulation, dispositional mindfulness traits and the interaction between them in a sample of ten Puerto Rican men who have participated or participate in alternative and complementary practices. The data analysis was performed following the coding processes of the grounded theory. It was found that the development of particular traits, as a result of the practice, similar to those identified in the literature as dispositional mindfulness, facilitate participants adaptative emotional regulation process. A series of theoretical propositions associated with the interaction of the construction of the emotional regulation process and dispositional mindfulness generated from the results of this study are described. The author proposes recommendations for the education of health professionals and the development and integration of models of counseling, psychotherapy and therapeutic interventions.

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