Prejudice and social distance towards gay and lesbian persons in a sample of employees in Puerto Rico
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Social distance
LGBT workers
Discrimination at work

How to Cite

Rodriguez-Polo, J., Ayvar, A., Dávila, A., Andino, P., Quiñones, C., Rodríguez, L., … Pacheco, T. (2018). Prejudice and social distance towards gay and lesbian persons in a sample of employees in Puerto Rico. Revista Griot, 11(1), 16–33. Retrieved from


Through a quantitative, exploratory-descriptive and non-experimental study, the prejudiced attitude (PA) and social distancing (SD) towards lesbian and gay people were examined in a sample of workers in Puerto Rico. The sample consisted of 779 participants, in which, 61 % were women between the age range of 21 to 40 years. The results indicated that workers exhibited low levels of PA (M=85.47) and low levels of SD (M=18.14) towards (LG) people. Moreover, we found a direct, moderately high and significant relationship between these variables, r (777) = .63, p<.01. When considering sexual orientation, heterosexuals expressed higher PA and SD towards LG people than non-heterosexuals. In respect to political perspective, conservatives showed more PA and SD than liberals. Finally, when considering religious practices, those who reported attending to some religious services weekly indicated higher PA and SD than those who reported never attending. In conclusion, although the PA and SD in workers towards LG people are expressed in low levels, they continue to be present. A relatively high proportion of non-heterosexuals participating in the study (29 %) may have had an impact on the low levels of PA and SD found. This study provides relevant information about the attitudes of workers in relation to sexual minorities, which allows organizations to develop diversity programs that are more inclusive and LGBT-friendly.

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