Transition of the student with functional diversity from high school to university
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diversidad funcional
functional diversity and transition

How to Cite

Rivera Colón, R. (2016). Transition of the student with functional diversity from high school to university. Revista Griot, 8(1), 24–41. Retrieved from


Transition processes are part of the human experience. A major transition that marks the progress from adolescence to adulthood is the movement from high school to the college environment. This theoretical and practical article describes the challenges facing by students with functional diversity in the process of transition from high school to college. It also details the changes in social and academic demands that make to students with functional diversity vulnerable to negative outcomes in higher education. Furthermore, the differences in relation to the services provided to these students between scenarios of high school and college are discussed; as a result of differences in the laws that protect this population in both contexts. It concludes that students with functional diversity need to develop functional academic skills of self-determination and self-defense that allow them to continue developing their interdependence and make informed decisions about their future. Early planning of the transition from the school environment to the university can help students prepare for and adapt to the demands of college. The author presents recommendations to improve the transition from high school to college for this specific group.

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